I’ve Been Searching

I’ve been searching
The love you’ve taken away
But I cannot see
Where your indecision
Hid it.

It may be
Somewhere in this room
Although scraps cover
Most of the flooring.

I can take my time
Picking up the pieces
And garnish my thoughts
With your submissive memory
But still leave the area
Stuffed with trash.

No longer would I do
The job of an errand boy:
Searching for items
Considered as garbage.

About DCG

Poetry writing emerged in me as a channel to relieve my angst and aggression against life and express my emotions on subtle things. It became my diary for quite a while. Feel free to experience my thoughts. If you do require my feedback, please leave a note on my MESSAGE BOARD below. Thanks.
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9 Responses to I’ve Been Searching

  1. JInksy says:

    Searching for old love rather than new can be a thankless task… best:move forwards! ♥

  2. Mary says:

    This is painful, Dennis. Sometimes it really is hard to find what was lost, or to put it back together when it is found. Ouch.

  3. Jack says:

    I got a notion that the love was so un-considered, it was not deliberately hidden, just forgotten beneath the wreckage. A fine read, sir.

  4. Serena says:

    This felt like a punch in the stomach to me… in a good way. I found the image of the things you need to sift through in order to try to make sense of lost love very powerful and moving. A universal theme explored in a very unique way… not easy to do.

  5. Great read filled with vivid imagery

  6. panchali says:

    Remarkable..this has a strange combination of strength n anger. Great Read!!

  7. Laura Maria says:

    Ow. I can relate to this. It is indeed much better to move on. Great writing Dennis!

  8. I recall the feeling of one’s love being unappreciated. It does hurt. This is well written, Dennis.

  9. Kim Nelson says:

    A heart-breaking scene you created here, Dennis. I felt the loss, the disillusionment. You limited your word count in just the right way, giving the reader a few details, specifically, without drawing out the recounting. Nicely parsed.

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